Episode #1 -- Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
Episode one! For all of the talk of us using this podcast as a way to broaden our movie watching horizons outside the realm of horror movies and other weird shit, it figures that our first film would be a monster movie from the 1940's. Neither of us were particularly scared at any point during the movie, so it's hard for us to consider it a horror film. It felt more like a drama that just happened to have monsters in it. A Mon-Dram? That's a thing, right? If not, it is now. TM, patent pending, etc.
This episode was recorded on Andrew's old crummy cell phone, so the audio quality is... how you say... not so great. That gets better, we promise, as does our initial awkwardness. Aside from the guest appearance that the two of us made on the special Icelandic edition of Til Death Hit Restart, the video game podcast that our friends Susi and Leif host, this was our first attempt at doing a podcast of our very own, so we apologize for any first-time jitters you may pick up on. However, if you'll look at the back of the tickets you should have received upon downloading this podcast, you'll clearly see that they are stamped "NO REFUNDS". Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.